Command Master Chief
CMDCM (AW/SW) Grover Ducksworth Jr.
CMDCM (AW/SW) Ducksworth is a native of Gulfport, Mississippi. He graduated from Harrison Central High School, shortly after he enlisted and completed Boot Camp at Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes.
As a source rated Machinist’s Mate, he served onboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) in the Reactor Department. He advanced to Petty Officer Third Class and earned his Enlisted Surface and Aviation Warfare Specialist qualifications/insignia. In his following tour, he was attached to a pre-commissioning unit from April 2002 to May 2004, taking part in commissioning the USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) while completing all his nuclear and conventional qualifications. Additionally, he advanced to Petty Officer Second Class.
While ashore, Ducksworth served as a maintenance technician at Trident Refit Facility Kingsbay, completed his Associate of Arts at Valdosta State University, began working on his bachelor, and advanced to Petty Officer First Class before reporting to USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 71) in 2008. Onboard the Lincoln, he served as the Leading Chief Petty Officer of Reactor Plant #1, Main Machinery Room; he completed a rigorous Planned Incremental Availability, multiple Operational Reactor Safeguard Exams, and INSURV.
In 2011, while transferring to Surface Warfare Officer School Command Great Lakes he was selected for Chief Petty Officer. During his time there, he was a Curriculum Manager and Command Evaluator and earned his Master Training Specialist and Bachelor of Science in Education and Development. His follow-on sea duty in 2014 was onboard USS Pioneer (MCM-9) as the 3MC. He completed two 3M Certifications and served as the Engineering Training Team Coordinator and a Drill Engineering Officer of the Watch. Upon leaving Japan and reporting to Mayport, FL, in 2018, he reported to Southeastern Regional Maintenance Center as Code 900 Department Leading Chief Petty Officer and Acting Senior Enlisted Leader. Splitting his tour, he reported to Afloat Training Group Mayport, when he was selected into the Command Senior Enlisted Leader Program and earned his Afloat Training Specialist qualification.
CMDCM Ducksworth is a graduate of the Senior Enlisted Academy and a current Graduate student at the University of Georgia’s Educational Psychology, Applied Cognition and Development program. His personal awards include the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (four awards), the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (4 awards), and various personal, unit, and campaign awards.