Command Ombudsman
What are Navy Family Ombudsmen?
Navy family ombudsmen are the liaisons and communication links between the command leadership and command families. We act as the commanding officer’s representatives, providing information and support to our outstanding Navy families.
The Ombudsman Code of Ethics guarantees professionalism and confidentiality, as set forth within our program guidelines. As command ombudsmen, we are volunteer, command-appointed spouses that have received specialized training to assist you in any situation. As Navy spouses ourselves we know and understand the hardships of serving as a Navy family, and we offer a wealth of resources to educate you on what the Navy has to offer.
Contacting the ombudsmen is the first step in discovering the large network of support and assistance that is available.
We are available to you 24 hours a day, but ask you reserve “middle of the night" calls for emergencies only.
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.
Please be advised that in the event of child abuse or neglect, spouse abuse, potential suicide risk or any other life endangering situation we are mandated to report these to the proper authority.
Families can also join the Ombudsman Facebook group at: