Command Ombudsman
The Ombudsman is a trained volunteer appointed by the Commanding Officer and is a resource for family members, particularly during deployment. The Navy Family Ombudsman servers as a link between families and the command. The Ombudsman has contact information, referrals, and support available in both the military and civilian communities.
We want to extend a huge welcome to HSM-70 and the Jacksonville area. If you need anything or would like to pick our brains - feel free to contact us anytime. Stay in touch and keep busy to pass the time! We know this will be a great command for our sailors and families. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We will do our best in directing you to the right person or department to have your questions answered.
We act as the liaison between the command and the families of HSM-70. We also communicate information about the command and community resources that are available to Navy Families. All communication will be held in strict confidence. We can be reached at all times, but, due to our family responsibilities, we would appreciate being contacted during daytime hours.
Ombudsman: (904) 463-3471
DoD Safe Helpline