Welcome to the Team!
Congratulations on your orders to join the “Proud Warriors” of HSM-72. We are a subordinate command of CARRIER AIR WING ONE and provide the multi-mission air warfare capability of the MH-60R airframe.
All personnel who receive orders to HSM-72 will have an assigned sponsor to help make your transfer as smooth as possible. It is imperative that your personal contact information is correct in NSIPS to ensure timely Sponsor contact and support. Please email our Command Master Chief and Sponsor Coordinator at: HSM72_JAXS_SPONSORS@navy.mil which is also listed in your PCS orders.
In addition to Sponsor support, please contact our OMBUDSMAN and Family Readiness Group (FRG) President listed below for additional information and family support:
FRG President: hsm72frg@yahoo.com
Facebook: Family Readiness Group (FRG) of HSM-72
The Naval Air Station Jacksonville website listed below is also a great resource for base information.