Welcome to the VP-5 Mad Foxes!
Congratulations on your assignment to the “MAD FOXES” of Patrol Squadron FIVE! You are joining a team of the finest aircrew, maintenance and combat support professionals in Naval Aviation. As the preeminent Maritime Patrol squadron in the Fleet, VP-5 is known for its transformative efforts in personal and professional development, excellence on station, and the genuine care for our Sailors and families; we set the standard – this includes YOU!
Personnel who have received orders to VP-5 should contact one of our sponsor coordinators. They will be able to provide you with all the necessary information, and assist you in answering any questions you may have. Emails sent to the address VP5_JAXS_SPONSOR@navy.mil will be received by all the sponsor coordinators in the command. Please send an email to that address with your basic contact information and report date, and one of our sponsor coordinators will promptly get in touch with you. You can also contact the squadron at the duty office numbers or mailing address listed on the Contact Us page.