“Check-in Information!”
Check-in hours are from 0700-1600 Monday to Friday. After working hours and weekends, report to the Ready Room and make sure the ASDO endorses your orders for date and time you reported to VFA-11.
The ready room is manned 24-hours a day and can be reached at (757) 433-5339 . After checking in with the JOOD, all military personnel are sent to the Personnel Support Detachment (PSD) located in Building 326 on D Ave. PSD is open from 7:30 a.m. to 4p.m., emergencies are handled by the duty personnelman who can be reached through the PSD Quarterdeck at 433-5933.
Upon check-in to VFA-11 report immediately to Admin to commence your check-in process. You will need to have the following:
* Your Command Sponsor
* Enlisted Service Record
* Medical and Dental Records
* Endorsed PCS orders
* Any travel receipts Ex: Itemized hotel receipts, tolls and taxi receipts
* If you acquired dependents in transit, please bring a copy of your marriage certificate or birth certificate to update your page 2.
* Government Credit Card if you have one.
Expect to be in Admin for an 1 hour completing the Admin portion of your check-in process. This is what you should expect on your first day:
* Read and sign various Command Policy Page 13s
* Complete your PCS Travel Claim. (For a Travel Claim Click Here)
* Update your Page 2 and SGLI
* Complete various VFA-11 personnel forms
* Obtain a flight line sticker for access to the hanger
* Obtain your VFA-11 check-in sheet